Saturday, September 19, 2009
Arghhh..i misses blogging alot!Damn all those revisions and exams for a week continuously really squeezed out the juices out of my brain....As you guys know, those who started revision a month before the final examination surely can cope alot more better than me..Or should I said minority of them studied a month earlier?haha..Its not that i dont want to revise or wat just that i always got procastinated by alot of factors.Dota-ing was the major one..Dame lame excuse huh..So when did i studied?actually i started a week before the exam,but its kinda lazy kind of revision..just goin through everything and in the end u will see me laying on the bed sleeping..haha..During da exam week,Iwas like feeding myself with lotsa notes.I cramped my brain with all d syllabus for the semester in just a night...Seriously my blady brain enzymes are totally heat up and losses its comformation shape,or can I said its denatured?(cant help it,those biology terms are circling in my brain right now cant delete it)..haha...So I was like WTF!!!!!And yesterday was the worst of all...MATHS my worst nightmare!He hunts me everyday!I just so hate him!The most important thing is that everything is totally done !!!WOhooOO!!!!!!!Party starts until the result announce..After that surely gonna emo..LOL...I DONT WANT TO REPEAT MATHS!!!SO EVERYONE PLS PRAY SUPEST DUPEST HARDEST FOR ME!!!=D...*wink*