Thursday, February 4, 2010
A flip of the eye and I had finished far Im kinda satisfied with my performance with those papers but kinda lack of faith in the coming paper(chemistry).First time in my life I feared chemistry alot.Chemistry is one of my favourite subject but how come I have totally not more then 60% confidence in scoring it?is it because of the totally awful coursework mark for it?I have no idea at all..Perhaps with determination I can score that paper for at least a B..Im not asking too much aren't I?I don't plan to be a great student, cause I just wanna be an average student.Is it worth it tos suffer for the following years of getting a CGPA more than 3.800 just to get 50% of from tuition weaver?OR for the extremist more than 3.900 for a full scholarship?And screw up your life by filling it with loads of stress,depression and frustration?To me I rather not.I just wanna balance up my life with entertainment so as education.Not more or less than that.You see,education is important but can it guarantee you a spot in the society in the future?I believe much more in establishing lots of networks from different societies if peoples and then generate income from it,but with always a base in education*at least a degree =D*..So much from me folks.And to my friends out there who is struggling for their finals,good luck and don't stress up yourself so much!Live life to the fullest as it was meant that way.=D
And I will usually said : HAVE A BREAK, HAVE A KIT-KAT..XD love this slogan damn much!